Sunday, December 18, 2011


Not the best quality but I thought the composition they made with animals of all kinds around the nativity scene was quite fun. From a shopswindow in Borgholm, Öland. Changed the light and contrast and that helped a bit.  


Ölandsvindar said...

Kom att tänka på Madeira där varje by tävlade om att ha den finaste julkrubban. Oftast i naturlig storlek och ibland med levande djur.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

At first glance I thought it was a Noah's ark scene with the animals entering. Quite an unusual nativity scene.

Lois said...

Unusual nativity with all the different animals.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Noah comes to Bethlehem! said...

Crocodiles, and hippos oh my - What a great twist

Anonymous said...

Love all the details in this nativity scene...are those bunches of bananas on that camel?